Super Mom Nutrition

Bone broth variations 1.Magyar verzió

Bone broth variations 1.
10 servings
Prep: 20 mins
Cooking: 3 hour
Total: 3 hour 20 mins


Most of the people think, that soups are only for lunch or dinner. But I have never seen any rules written down, stating this. ;) If you feel so, you can have a nice warm soup with plenty of colorful, tasty veggies for breakfast, right after waking up, or you can have it later on as a snack.

You can make a bone broth on a million different ways. This recipe is only one of them. You can use different bones, like chicken, turkey, pork, beef, fish, or even rabbit. Whatever you can find in your local store, or on the market. If you just finished a roast chicken, don't through the bones away, make a nice bone-veggie broth out of it. Same applies for any other bones. However, try to use bones from animals, that were not coming from an animal factory. The best option is, to use bone (and the meat) of free range animals, who could eat whatever nature intended them to eat. (And was not treated with hormones, anitibiotics, and fed with GMO soy and corn.)

I used the following ingredients to this recipe:

  • 4 pcs sliced beef bones
  • 6 pcs chopped carrots (I only wash it, I don't peel it)
  • 2 pcs peeled and chopped parsnips
  • 2 pcs peeled and chopped kohlrabi
  • 2 heads chopped broccoli
  • 1 pack of celery
  • salt to taste
  • topped with fresh parsley and paprika cream


You can cook this soup on a stove. But in that case, it takes approx 24 hours to cook it on a very low heat. I used an Instant Pot. It might not be present in every country, but there are similar alternatives to that. It took 2.5 hours to cook it in the Instant Pot. This timeframe covers the heat up and fast desteam processes too.

First I baked the bones for 30 mins in the oven at 175C/ 350F. I didn't put any salt or spices on it.

I put the baked bones, peeled and chopped veggies into the pot, pour the water on, added 3-4 big pinches of salt and turned the Instant Pot on. The amount of salt depends on the amount of soup and your taste.

If you don't have an Instant Pot, turn the stove setting to low, and let it do its job for 24 hours. Check the water level time and time again, and if it's needed, add some more water.

If you don't have time to chop the veggies into smaller pieces, don't worry. Cut them into half or quarters to be able to fit them into the pot.

You can put fresh herbs on it after serving, or you can put dried spices and herbs into it during cooking, of you cook it on the stove.

If you have time to wait while it cools down, it's better to remove the solidified fat from the top.

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