Super Mom Nutrition

Beef gulash with plenty of veggiesMagyar verzió

Beef gulash with plenty of veggies
8 servings
Prep: 20 mins
Cooking: 60 mins
Total: 1 hour 20 mins


In a normal case, there's not so many different veggies in a gulash soup. But I try to put plenty of different veggies and colours into all meals. That's why this gulash soup has more kind of veggies in it than usual.

  • 6 medium potato, chopped (I didn't peel, just washed it)
  • 3 medium sweet potato, chopped (I didn't peel, just washed it)
  • 3 cups od carrot, chopped
  • 1 medium head onion, peeled and chopped
  • 2 cups Brussel sprout peeled and zhe end cut off
  • 1 bunch of celery, sliced
  • 1 lb beef, cut into small cubes
  • salt to taste
  • 2 Tbsp paprika powder
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, peeled and minced


  • Peel and chop the onion, then sautee it on low temperature.
  • Cut the beef into small cubes and add it to the onion. Let it brown a bit.
  • Pour 1 cup of water onto the beef and cook it in a pressure cooker, like Instant Pot for approx 45 minutes.
  • When it's done, add all the chopped veggies, the salt, paprika and cover it with water.
  • Cook in the pressure cooker for approx 15 minutes.
  • When it's done, add the minced garlic.
  • Serve and enjoy!

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